Does God speak through dreams? Why would He use such a mysterious form of communication?
What does that mean to you?
This course, developed by John Paul Jackson from more than 30 years of experience and study, has transformed many lives. Come and discover how God uses these messages from eternity to answer questions like:
What does God want to do in this situation in my family, my job, my church, or my nation?
What does God think about me?
Are all dreams from God?
Are there supernatural encounters that happen in dreams?
The prophecy in Joel 2 reveals that God will speak through dreams. It’s assumed that we would know it’s Him speaking, but we don’t. This course will equip you to not only hear Him speak this way, but also understand what He is saying. You will learn to discover the dream vocabulary God uses and how to receive and remember your dreams. You will learn the difference between a Biblical, God-inspired interpretive method and the popular secular methods that shroud the dream instead of revealing it.
This course puts foundational interpretive tools in your hands that you can use for years to come.
What if God gave you the answer to the question you have been asking last night?
Syllabus includes
Introduction to Visions
Biblical Terminology for Dreams and Visions
History of Dreams from God
Dreams: God's Night Parables
Basic Types and Symbols
Intuitive Dream Recording
Basic Interpretation Skills
Dream Functions
20 Categories of Dreams
Spectrums of Light
Parabolic Principles in Dreams
Elements of Dreams
Colors in Dreams
Five Ways of Recording Dreams
How to Remember Your Dreams
Developing Your Dream Vocabulary
6PM: Registration
7PM - 9PM: Teaching
*9AM - 9PM: Teaching
*12PM - 8PM: Teaching & Impartation
*Time includes breaks in between sessions/ breaks for lunch and dinner